NextGen Navigators
Our FREE NextGen Navigators program is specifically designed for young people to understand what to do before, during and after a disaster. This program is available to participants aged 14 to 24-years. Gain practical skills that equip you with real-world capabilities. At the end of the program you will receive:
Psychological First Aid certificate
First Aid Kit
NextGen Navigators cap
Plan C certificate of completion.
Learn about:
Disaster Resilience Training for the four phases of disaster response
Practical First Aid
Psychological First Aid
Bushcraft Skills
Community Youth Inspired Projects
Future opportunities
Connecting with like-minded people
Community Youth Inspired Projects: As part of the NextGen Navigator program you will be supported in designing and implementing a small community building project in your own community. Examples could include volunteering for Plan C in delivering this program, teaching disaster resilience skills to a group of friends, creating an awareness raising video for social media, creating a WhatsApp group among neighbours or continuing to build your own disaster resilience skills by joining an emergency service agency (RFS, SES, etc.).
If you have any questions about the program or why this may be of benefit to you, contact rena@planc.org.au
12 Dec 2024 NextGen Navigators Evan Rivers
We're so proud of the Evans River High School NGN crew! They successfully completed 4 days worth of training with us on disaster resilience, psychological first aid, bushcraft skills and practical first aid. We can't wait to see what happens next!
25 Jul 2024 NextGen Navigators Mullumbimby
We’ve finished our pilot NextGen Navigators program in Mullumbimby and have had such a great time getting to know these youth as they’ve explored disaster resilience, first aid, psychological first aid and bushcraft skills!