Disaster Recovery and Preparedness: Voices of children and young people from the Northern Rivers 

This important report by the Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP), reflects the experiences and insights of 635 young residents from the Northern Rivers region regarding disaster recovery and preparedness. The report highlights their desire for a recovery approach that is trauma-informed and holistic, emphasising the need for better integration of their voices in disaster planning and response initiatives. They expressed significant concerns about the impact of temporary pod villages and the broader implications of disaster on their education, housing stability, and mental health.

Recommendations include enhancing public transport, increasing mental health support, and improving communication and support measures during disasters.

The report calls for government and communities to recognise and harness the unique perspectives and capacities of young people in disaster resilience efforts. Sounds like our NextGen Navigators is just what is needed!


We’re rolling out a pilot CCR (Community Carers and Responders) project in Queensland!


NextGen Navigators: our way to strengthen youth disaster resilience